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HP SmartArray Configuration Guide

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LibStorageMgmt can manage HP SmartArray RAID adapters via the hpsa plugin (libstoragemgmt-hpsa-plugin package). You are also required to install the ssacli binary tool from the HP website.

Once done, the URI will be:


Note: Older versions of command line tool were hpssacli, newer versions are ssacli. They have the same syntax, the plugin and URI still use old naming.

If you are not using default install path of ssacli, please use this URI to specify the path:


The following are the steps used by ourselves to install ssacli
We are providing this information in hopes of saving you time with NO WARRANTY.
Please contact HP Support if you encounter issues with the command line tool.

name=HP Management Component Pack
sudo yum install ssacli -y

Above steps were tested on: