- Information about specific slot
- Opaque type for interacting with LED slots functionality.
- Possible health status of any disk.
- Possible values of link type.
- Possible values for disk RPM.
- Fault LED is off
- Fault LED is on
- Fault LED is unknown
- Identification LED is off
- Identification LED is on
- Identification LED is unknown
- LED has unknown status
- Turn the fault LED off for specified disk path.
- Turn the fault LED on for specified disk path.
- Query the health status of the specified disk path.
- Turn the identification LED off for specified disk path.
- Retrieve current state of LED for specified disk path.
- Query the current negotiated disk link speed in Mbps
- Query disk link type.
- Query disk rotation speed.
- Query serial number of specified disk path
- Query scsi VPD 0x83 NAA ID.
- Searches disk by supplied SCSI VPD 0x83 page NAA type ID.